Moved my blog to blogger

For those who’ve followed through my blog… be noted that I’ve moved to blogger! (: Cherish2 domain has been taken… so I’m stuck w/ my resort – jubilation2 which is fine with me (: I might close down my wordpress sometime later…. >< I miss windows' version the most to be honest…

oh well, here it is:

Singapore (3)

3rd day: Another great trip to Harbour Front Centre, took Sentosa Express to Vivo City, beach station, waterfront station (Universal, of course i wouldn’t waste my money going there as i’ve gone to US’s Universal Studio) , then head to tower 2 for Jewel Cable Car boarding on 15F, to Sentosa first, and then to Mount Faber Park, the same route back to Harbour Front, then Little India… where it rained, and POURING rain >< Walked about Marina Square a bit, then… took Aljunied station back home! Saw lots lots small vendors and crowds! it was fun! Some sceneries were as if i was in China XD

Places I wish I went:
1) 無招牌海鮮:8 Raffles Ave, #01-14/16.
2) 文東記海南雞飯:18 Cheong Chin Nam Rd (new Newton MRT)

So what's lemak?

Singapore (2)

1st day: we arrived at noon, which after having a little trouble finding our way to the Fragrance Crystal Hotel on Lorong 18, Geylang (nearest MRT Aljunied), we started off our trip to Chinatown (牛車水) where there’s Pearls Centre (珠光商場), and then walked to Outram Park, Tanjong Pagar, Bugis, and found the ONLY recommended restaurant – 歐南園亞華肉骨茶 (7 Keppel Rd, #01-05). Oh also tried Kaya toast! (: It was an exhausted day for both me and bro mainly due to the lack of sleep as we took a 7:40AM flight, which had I woke up at 4:50AM not to mention the late sleep at 1AM ><

2nd day: a wonderful day getting ourselves prepared. enthusiastically to take the Kallang MRT to City Hall! the book has mentioned that City Hall & Raffles are the main MRT that once when one explores the areas around, they've seen the most significant tour spots in Singapore! So that's our goal for the day! getting out of City Hall, we went to St. Andrew's Cathedral church, up to North Bridge, saw the Parliament, supreme court, Singapore's cricket club, Victoria Theatre & concert hall, Arts House, Anderson Bridge, the Fullerton Bay Hotel, Asian Civilization, accidentally stumbled upon Marlion Park! Promenade Theatres on the bay, Raffles, Singapore flyer!!!! Marina Bay Sands sky park!!!!! (bro has acrophobia, so i went up to the 57th floor checking its DECK area myself! 🙂 Arts Science Museum, Raffles Place (MRT), Funan digital life mall (had my Subway dinner – have to have some Western food XD), Stamford House, CHIJMES, Raffles City at the Esplanade MRT. Another long day… but definitely enjoyed its beautiful sceneries! (:

Singapore 4 days 3 nights! oh yay (1)

當時哥問我是否要去陪他出國時(每四個月得出國避當兵),聽到是新加坡我是沒太有興趣~ 雖然距離上次去已經是。。。。。more than 15 yrs? 小時候去的所以沒甚麼印象了,只記得不能吃口香糖,地上都很乾淨~ XD 不過,既然哥堅持,我就當是陪遊吧!!不過看來有時期待小,倒會有莫名的驚奇&樂趣!雖然只是短短三天(扣掉飛行等)我覺得我已經對於主要的景點很熟了耶!哈哈 多虧這半年多在台北的狂走訓練以及對新環境的適應~類似相同亞洲氣氛及環境的Singapore, isn’t that much of a difference in many ways (:

Hope to briefly jog down my itinerary, hoping this will benefit backpackers & individual travelers! First off, DO grab the map of Singapore (free map for visitors) at the Chengi airport! I didn’t realize how useful it was until the 2nd day >< But it actually wan't that late since we have brought a Singapore traveler's book and it to some extent was beneficial too~ BUT not as GOOD as the MAP Singapore provides!!!!

雞排英雄 Coq L’Hero

小晴的哥哥開了家鹹酥雞店~ 雖然我只試過雞排,上次回台南有跟她去買過,還不賴!(: 賣滿多東西的。。。有雞心,雞皮,日式炸雞塊+沾醬,脆皮雞腿,香雞排,起司豬排,薯條,黃金小卷圈,熱狗,雞屁股,百頁豆腐,青椒,炸小香菇,米血,甜不辣,脆片,芋條等。消費滿120元免費外送服務(約3公里以內)下午3PM~11PM!在明德路大潤發斜對面。可以試試喔!:D


台北研經陪靈會 10.4.2011

黃子嘉牧師第一晚的分享:末世 vs. 默示

迎主再來與良善忠心又有見識:追求良善,切慕 神的榮耀。忠心:從小事開始,忠心於小事!見識:非常聰明,精明有智慧(為主打算的聰明與智慧),對得 神喜悅的正確判斷!


高深謀略→ 乞丐幫行銷策略 (典故)

宣忠的創意工作室開辦了已有半年,正經的生意沒幾個,可竟來一些莫名其妙,甚至是啼笑皆非的業務。這不,剛一上班,一位衣冠不整,蓬頭垢面的老哥就堵上 門 來。

「說來慚愧,我以前也是個老闆,做生意賠了,房子也抵了,老婆也跑 了,幹老闆多年,除了有點脾氣之外,什麼本事也沒有,現在只好乞討為生,不過現在乞討這個行業,門檻太低,競爭太激烈。想讓您幫我出出主意,提高一下我的乞討業績。」


「有啊!我一般上午在人民廣場,那人多,上午站累了,下午,我就去散散步, 順便撿撿破爛。我幹乞討這個職業,雖然被人瞧不起,但也屬於自由職業者。」
「叫花李,我給你一個建議,你一定要走專業化道路,不要又乞討又撿破爛, 你只有把你的乞討這個主業做大做強之後,才能多元化經營。況且,又幹這個,又幹那個,品牌不夠集中。」

「有了自己的品牌,這還不夠,你必須在乞討方式與競爭者區別開來,你必須差異化經營讓別人覺得你有個性、有特色,就是和別人 不同,以後不管什麼人給你錢,你只許收人家五毛。你還像過去一樣,面對熙熙攘攘的人流,拿個碗,伸向人群,嘴裡唸著廣告:『行行好吧!行行好吧!』我估計 大多數人連看你一眼都不看,躲著就過去了。你別洩氣,這是正常現象,不要奢望把所有的人都變成你的客戶。」

「記住了,我們只為一部分人服務,要找到我們的目標客戶群。我相信,肯定會有人朝你碗裡扔個一塊八毛的,這時候,你一定要看清楚是多少錢,如果是五毛,就對人家說聲謝謝,如果比五毛多,例如一塊,你不要見錢眼開,趕緊把人家叫住,對人家說:『謝謝!我這裡只收五毛。』然後,你再找給人家五毛錢。「如果人家給的不足五毛,比如兩毛,你也把人家叫住,對人家說: 謝謝您的好意,我這裡最低消費就是五毛,這兩毛您還是拿回去吧。」

「啊?照你這個策劃,人家給一塊,找回五毛,人家給兩毛還不要,我 豈不要的更少了?不行!不行!」
「老李,不!叫花李,你聽我說,你要想在乞討業有所突破,你必須按我的話去做,剛開始是有點損失,但你和其他乞討的不同了。 你想想,當你找五毛錢給人的時候,那人是什麼感覺,估計那人手裡拿著那五毛錢,站在那得愣一會,「怎麼回事,要錢的還帶找錢的?」你相信不相信,回家他就 把這事宣揚出去,他會跟親戚朋友說:「人民廣場有個叫花子,我給了他一塊,他還找我五毛。」



在他面前,立著一個牌子,上書:著名職業乞討師—叫花李。旁邊還放著一本無家可歸人員登記證。叫花李正忙著收錢、找錢。人群中有位中年婦女說「嘿!我們家那位回來跟我一說,我還不相信,天底下還有這樣的叫花子,只收五毛,多了還不要,到這來一看,還真是,您看人家這個乞討,還真夠職業。」旁邊一個小伙子氣不過了,「我還不相信,有人會見錢不眼開。」說著,走上前去, 拿出一張一百元的大票來,遞給叫花李:「看你挺辛苦的,別找了。」叫花李忙把他拉住,一邊數出一堆毛票來塞給他,一邊說:「謝謝大哥的好意,您也不容易, 我就收您五毛,多了不收,歡迎您下次再來。」


「這你就不懂了,麥當勞的老闆曾經說過,不要以為麥當勞是經營快餐的,其實麥當 勞是經營房地產的,透過做餐飲,把一個個好地方,都給佔了。你也一樣,不要以為,你是經營乞討業的,你是經營娛樂業的。你在乞討的同時,給大家帶來新奇, 帶來快樂。」
「你是趕上好時候了,要是二十年前,物質還十分缺乏,大家掙的錢只夠吃飯,也沒人 理你,可現在不同了,物質是豐富了,可人越來越精神空虛,總想尋求刺激,如果聽說哪裡有個三條腿的蛤蟆,都要開車幾十公里去看看。大家給你錢,不是因為你值得同情,是因為你這個行為必較有趣。

叫花李聽得直點頭,「我有點明白了,您是說人吃飽了沒事,總想看個新鮮事,我要錢的方式比較奇特,所以就把大家吸引 來了。」
「對」,宣忠見有人能聽明白,說得就更來勁了,「現在是眼球經濟,注意力經濟,誰有個性,誰有特色,誰能吸引大家的目光,誰就能把嘩嘩的人民幣吸引 來。簡單的現象其實背後都蘊藏著深刻的道理!」
「好,我回去繼續搞我的眼球經濟─ ─娛樂產業。」

又過了兩三天,宣忠正坐在辦公室裡,突然手機響了,看看號碼,是一個陌生的號碼,宣忠按了一下接聽鍵,說:「你好!」對方傳來一個有些熟悉的聲音,「宣總啊!我是叫花李啊!」「啊?!你都買上手機了。」「信息時代嘛! 我找您有要緊事,一個小報的記者要採訪我,我該怎麼說呀?」「這是一個好機會,一定要抓住。」宣忠喘口氣,接著說:「你這回不要就事論事,一定要提高自己,把自己的認識上升到一定高度。你可以這麼說,雖然我幹的只是低賤的乞討業,但也要堅守行業準則,既不私抬物價哄騙消費者,又不能胡亂降價陷入惡性競爭。」




─ 載自網路 ─


聽過這個名詞,但是一直沒查是甚麼意思。。。為了讀懂一篇文章所以去查了一下,原來stands for “DINK” – Double Income No Kids! Wa-le~~~~~~~~ XD

這種族類的興起,可以說是新潮~ 但就我的眼光,這很大的方面是自私吧!Majority來說,比例是越來越少人願意擔負責任,學習犧牲的愛,無條件的給 —> 個人覺得有了小孩這就是自然的“結果” (生活 XD)。賺了錢,只想自己享受,過好的生活,不想被小孩綁住~ 或許等到30多歲,忽然想要小孩了。。。。。就成為高齡產婦了!所以這麼多 XD 不過當然,也有人是真的晚婚,真的想結婚想要有小孩但是拖到年紀比較大的啦!!!!!也有人是知道自己沒那麼愛小孩,無法給予最好的關愛與關注 (attention) 所以選擇不生。總之,學了個新詞~ Particularly applicable to Taiwanese nowadays…?! >< No good!

For Women – Anion Sanitary Pads! :D

First time heard of this brand, but.. it’s just STH that EVERY woman should have!!! (:


Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkins / Pads

Love Moon – Anion Sanitary Napkin (Pad) is a tech product in this modern world, the Anion (Negative Ion) Chip in Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkins can release up to 5,800-6,070 Negative Ion (Anion) per cubic cm. The intensity of Negative Ion (Anion) released will effective suppresses the survival and multiplication of bacteria on the sanitary napkin. Anion (Negative Ion) in Anion Sanitary Pads can help regulate body functions such as antibacterial capabilities, deodorization, through purely physical processes. Love Moon Sanitary Napkin is the first and only hygienic antibacterial sanitary napkin in the market today. Helps women to prevent bacterial multiplication, eliminates odor and promotes comfort during menstrual period.


Most sanitary napkin are made from Bleached and Recycled Papers?
Most sanitary napkin may cause rashes, inflammation and even Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)?
Most Women are prone to a lot of Bacterial / Vaginal infections during their Menstrual Period?
Women….we have now the Answer….a Sanitary Napkin that refreshes a woman’s feeling during more more more would even forget you have “period”. So comfortable that you can do just right about anything what you usually do on your regular days.

As much as 107 bacteria can grow and multiply on 1 mm sq. surface of common sanitary napkin after continuous usage of normal sanitary napkin for 2 hours

Sanitary Napkin with Anion (Negative Ion)

Anion (Negative Ion) on the Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin able to suppresses the survival and multiplication of bacteria on the sanitary napkin. Anion in Love Moon Sanitary Napkin release up to 5800 negative ions per cubic cm which has been proven in numerous scientific studies to protect against genital diseases, eliminating harmful bacteria, odor, enhance comfort and improve your health.

Advantages Of Love Moon – Anion Sanitary Napkin

1. Dry, air permeable, comfortable

Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin has three main components:

i. The surface layer;
The surface layer of Anion Sanitary Napkin is made of thin silk and soft cotton materials to keep the delicate skin dry and comfortable.

ii. The absorbent layer
The middle layer of Anion Sanitary Napkin contains highly effective super strong absorbent agents that can turn the liquid discharge into a jelly-like state to eliminate the sticky feeling.

iii. The base layer.
The base layer of Anion Sanitary Napkin is made of air permeable materials that allow diffusion of water molecules in the gaseous state to rapidly drive away moist air, thus effectively reducing moisture and heat between the napkin and the skin to maintain a dry and comfortable feeling.

2. Anti-bacterial and deodorization functions through purely physical processes

The padding in each Anion Sanitary Napkin is embedded with an Anion Chip that can release high density anion (Negative Ion) to help regulate body functions,such as antibacterial capabilities, deodorization, through purely physical processes. There is no side effect.

3. Use of highly effective and super strong absorption agents to meet physical needs

Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin has an absorbent layer. This is made of highly effective and super strong absorption agents as well as leak-proof materials through a special high-tech process. When the liquid discharge comes into contact with the layer, it is absorbed such that there is no back flow or leakage. This will ensure a comfortable feeling and convenience in movement.

4. Compliance with national hygiene standards (China) and prevention of infection

‘Keeping dry, air permeability and cleanliness’ are three main principles of genital care. Production of healthcare sanitary products must strictly comply with the GB15979-2002 hygiene standard.

The main assurance measures taken include:
(1) strict control over the hygiene standard of the raw materials for sanitary napkin.
(2) using enclosed production plant of international advanced standard for fully automated sequential production with fully automated packaging.
(3) Using advanced easy-to-open air-tight adhesive packaging to ensure the product is free from bacterial or fungal infection.

5. Patented Vaginitis Self Test Card provided free of charge can be used for genital health check.


Taiwan’s Teacher’s Day and two other friends’ bday (:

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